
The Prayers That Make God Sweat

The Prayers That Make God Sweat

What kind of faith do you have right now, is it sustaining faith, or mustard seed faith? A guest pastor challenged us on the quality of our faith and the nature of our prayers. He pointed out that we may ask God for what we need, but not our deepest desires. He then put forth this question, “Do your prayers make God sweat?”

Embrace the Place

Embrace the Place

During some seasons of our life, we had what seemed to be no free time whatsoever; at other times, we had some. We’ve had seasons when we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. But over time, we have purposed to take back the sound track of our life and change some of the noise into music we want to hear. We’ve learned the freedom experienced when we don’t have a lot of plates spinning. What are some things we can do to get to that place? Here are a few thoughts that with a little creativity can help us embrace this place.