
Bringing Love to Life

Bringing Love to Life

Every child receiving services in the special education system is required to complete a series of assessments every three years. One question I was asked at least every three years was particularly haunting: Where do you see your daughter working and serving in the community in 5, 10 or 15 years? I have often asked God to give us vision, and I’ve learned that Jesus measures a person’s value and success very differently than the way we do.

The Prayers That Make God Sweat

The Prayers That Make God Sweat

What kind of faith do you have right now, is it sustaining faith, or mustard seed faith? A guest pastor challenged us on the quality of our faith and the nature of our prayers. He pointed out that we may ask God for what we need, but not our deepest desires. He then put forth this question, “Do your prayers make God sweat?”