Henri Nouwen

Quarantined Life or Contained Life? A Choice In Difficult Times

Quarantined Life or Contained Life? A Choice In Difficult Times

I have been numb with depression lately. Except on those days when I am energized by anger. Some of it has to do with the pandemic and continued quarantine; some of it has to do with family relationships and health challenges. And then a daily meditation popped up, challenging me to choose a contained life.

Caring for Children with Disabilities As Spiritual Practice

Caring for Children with Disabilities As Spiritual Practice

The interviewer asked how caregiving impacted Marjorie’s spiritual journey, and what spiritual practices she found most helpful. With a laugh, Marjorie responded that caring for her mother and mother-in-law was her spiritual practice. What she said hit me like a thunderbolt: for 25 years, caring for my son, Joel, who has autism, was my spiritual practice.