
Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Parents of children living with disability or complex medical conditions find themselves needing to recruit an army of resources and a robust system of supports. But asking for help can be so painful. An invitation-without-obligation approach to asking for help can offer valuable insight for our situations.

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

As a writer, blogger and author, I’m well acquainted with the rigors, frustrations and chronic disappointment associated with creating content, getting published, and the awkward process of marketing one’s own material. I am also mom to an adult daughter with complex health and developmental needs. Like other writers and moms of children with disabilities, I’ve fallen prey to negative messages and self-pity. Inspired by Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s strategy, allow me to paraphrase a plan for protecting our hearts, minds and lives from debilitating patterns.

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

You, much like Esther, were born in this century, in this world, for such a time as this. Your location is not happenstance. It is no coincidence you have the passion and the heart you do. Here are four steps to following God’s leading as you step into disability inclusion ministry.

Quarantined Life or Contained Life? A Choice In Difficult Times

Quarantined Life or Contained Life? A Choice In Difficult Times

I have been numb with depression lately. Except on those days when I am energized by anger. Some of it has to do with the pandemic and continued quarantine; some of it has to do with family relationships and health challenges. And then a daily meditation popped up, challenging me to choose a contained life.

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

Lisa Jamieson shares a prayer that will resonate with many families. We encourage you to pray this prayer for your family and loved ones.