
Is That Everything That's Going to Happen?

Is That Everything That's Going to Happen?

I stared at the cards, more than a little ashamed by my lack of preparation for our appointment. "I know how the story starts, and I know how it's going to end. But I have no idea about what's happening in the middle." But I know the One who does.

Uncertainty and Lack of Control: What's a Caregiver to Do?

Uncertainty and Lack of Control: What's a Caregiver to Do?

If uncertainty and lack of control—whether as a caregiver or for a completely different reason—are sending you reeling, sit for a minute. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself a question.

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

Lisa Jamieson shares a prayer that will resonate with many families. We encourage you to pray this prayer for your family and loved ones.

An Encouraging Verse for Special Needs Parents During Times of Uncertainty

An Encouraging Verse for Special Needs Parents During Times of Uncertainty

Special needs parents already live with a lot of stress and anxiety. But when you add in the extra uncertainty that comes with COVID-19 and what’s going on with back-to-school come the fall, well, it’s possible as parents to go into anxiety overload. But there’s a verse in Isaiah that is very encouraging for all parents during this time of uncertainty regarding your child(ren) and our future.