
Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Parents of children living with disability or complex medical conditions find themselves needing to recruit an army of resources and a robust system of supports. But asking for help can be so painful. An invitation-without-obligation approach to asking for help can offer valuable insight for our situations.

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry

You, much like Esther, were born in this century, in this world, for such a time as this. Your location is not happenstance. It is no coincidence you have the passion and the heart you do. Here are four steps to following God’s leading as you step into disability inclusion ministry.

Back to School?

Back to School?

We recently had to make an important choice: back to school or not? This is a tough decision being faced by families all over the world, and each has its own pros and cons to be weighed. In the special needs world it is a particularly challenging subject. Here is how I’ve learned to navigate the difficult choices that need to be made for our kids when there is no clear right or wrong.