
Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Invitations, Expectations and Obligations: Finding the Right Mix for Caregiver Support

Parents of children living with disability or complex medical conditions find themselves needing to recruit an army of resources and a robust system of supports. But asking for help can be so painful. An invitation-without-obligation approach to asking for help can offer valuable insight for our situations.

Ten Ways to Prioritize Mental Health While Quarantined with Special Needs and 8 Kids

Ten Ways to Prioritize Mental Health While Quarantined with Special Needs  and 8 Kids

The time quarantined with 8 children, including five teenagers and one child with profound special needs, has been intense. Prior to the worldwide pandemic, my husband Ryan and I successfully prioritized self-care. We understand how fragile our mental health can become in stressful circumstances, having each experienced bouts of overwhelm, PTSD, and anxiety. May is Mental Health Awareness month. Here are ten routines we have incorporated to preserve the integrity of our well-being that may be helpful to others as well.