
Worry? How Do We Not Worry?

Worry? How Do We Not Worry?

While recently listening to an afternoon radio program about “worry,” the woman being interviewed was asked, “I know God says not to worry, but how do we NOT worry?” When we worry, we don’t trust that God can make a way for us. For many of us, we’ve had years to learn this, and are still learning. What’s the key?

Haircut, Sir?

Haircut, Sir?

My son James has his hair cut about four or five times a year. As long as we keep to a routine, all is fine. Any change would be enormously difficult for him, and therefore for us. The reason I share James’ haircut story is to illustrate that routine and familiarity are fundamentally core to the coping mechanisms of many children and young people with additional needs. And just like the routines followed by special needs families, churches have opportunities to make similar choices regarding children and young people with disabilities in church-based work as well.

Ten Ways to Prioritize Mental Health While Quarantined with Special Needs and 8 Kids

Ten Ways to Prioritize Mental Health While Quarantined with Special Needs  and 8 Kids

The time quarantined with 8 children, including five teenagers and one child with profound special needs, has been intense. Prior to the worldwide pandemic, my husband Ryan and I successfully prioritized self-care. We understand how fragile our mental health can become in stressful circumstances, having each experienced bouts of overwhelm, PTSD, and anxiety. May is Mental Health Awareness month. Here are ten routines we have incorporated to preserve the integrity of our well-being that may be helpful to others as well.

Trusting God through the Anxiety of Special Needs Parenting

Trusting God through the Anxiety of Special Needs Parenting

Guest blogger Sarah Lango shares honestly about her anxiety and fear in parenting her daughter with special needs. She writes, “As I wrestled with God on how to handle this anxiety I found myself face to face with some basic Biblical truth. I didn’t trust God with my child.” Do you relate? Read more of their story in today’s post.

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Except for posters on 9/11 saying “We Will Remember,” life has returned to normal for those who were not directly impacted. For those of us with a child impacted by disability, there is another date that is cemented in our minds. We each have our own twin towers moment, that moment when our world came crashing down.